Blogging Can Make you Lazy

If you are fulltime blogger or work on computer for whole day then beware this can make you lazy and not just that sitting for long time can increase risk of death up to 40%.

Recently I read Infographic by which says sitting for more than 6 hours can increase risk of death up to 40%. Long sitting can cause us lot more problems like sitting make us fat, long sitting can make our body weak, can increase heart related problem and many more problems.

Image by radioink

Why I am saying blogging can make you lazy? Not just bloggers if you have to work in front of computer whole day then you are also at risk. Blogging is became popular way of sharing our knowledge and good source of making money working from your home. Many new bloggers work whole day sitting in front of their computer and try to make their blog more popular.

To make your blog successful it takes lot of affords and hard work, many bloggers know that and they forget everything and just work online for whole day without taking break. Problem starts from here. I am also a blogger and I have to work for long time; there are lots of thing I have to do apart from writing. I have to write, publish my post, promote it, checking emails and many other stuffs.

Many people face lot of different problem because of long sitting work. Have a look what problem you can face:

Back Pain problem – Because of long sitting you can face back pain problem.
Eye Problem – Working long on computer can make eye problems.
Body Pain – Because of long sitting you can face pain problem in different part of your body.
Now the biggest thing you can become lazy. Yes you can become lazy as you do very less physical activity and this can make you lazy.

How to overcome from this problem?

I am not a doctor and not a health expert so it is difficult for me to give you health advice what I can suggest you is to how you can organize your work and make yourself fit and active.

Organize your Work

As a blogger you know what you have to do so first thing you can do is to create your work list. Creating work list will help you to know what you have to do every day. List most important work on top and less important at bottom. For bloggers your most important work is to write so it should be on top on the list. You may know how much time every work take like if writing post take 1hr, checking email takes 15 minute and promoting your blog take 1hr then your total work time is 2.5 hours. You may have to do lot more writing and other works it depends on person to person.

You must be clear about your work and how much time it will consume to complete that work. By this way you can organize your work and can make yourself discipline to complete that work on time. This will help you to complete your work in less time and will give you more time to do other things.

Schedule your Work

You have the work list with total time to complete that work. Now you have to schedule your work, for example if your total work will take 6 hours to complete and you can dedicate 8 hours a day then you have extra 2 hours, this 2 hours are for your health.

With extra 2 hours you can take a break after every 1 hour work. This break can be used to stretch your body, take a little walk, relax yourself or do whatever you want to do (No work or watching TV).

These breaks can also be used for doing some important works other then on computer. This will keep you active and you can do lot more things when you are organized. This will also help not to be lazy.

In 24 hours day give at least 6-8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for your work and other time you can give for yourself, your family and sure sometime for your health (give sometime for work out).

I cannot give you health related advice so one thing you need to do is search for some good source where you can check right way of sitting in front of computer, some exercise which can be done while work and some other related topics. This will help you to do right things at work.

Your health is important than anything so don’t take chance with your health. Technology has changed our life now we can do most of the work sitting in our home like doing online banking, paying bills etc. When we are doing lot of work on computer we don’t need to go to other place to complete our work this is very convenient way but it has reeducated or physical work and making us lazy. So be active and don’t compromise with your health.

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