satellite Hacking for Fun AND Profit

$atellite Hacking for Fun & Pr0fit!

            Open Source developer / researcher



         Full Disclosure / White Hat!

            Freelance research / training / lecturing

Why Now?

            Jim Geovedi & Raditya Iryandi

         Hacking a Bird in The Sky

            Old Skewl

         Started doing this in late 90's.

         So, err... why did it take so long to publish?

Feed Hunting

            Look for 'interesting' satellite feeds

         Scan all satellites

         Scan all frequencies

         Report on mailing lists / forums

There must be a better way!

            Visualisation is your friend

         Human Brain likes images

            Recognise food

            Recognise danger

            Recognise friends

            Recognise enemies


Time travel – day 1
Time travel – day 2
That was then...

            Proprietary control systems


               Reluctant manufacturers

        Special hardware / interface converters

               Motor Control

               Signal Status to RS232

        Expensive receivers

This is now...

           Open standards

        DVB Cards

        Embedded Linux Receivers


       Tuxbox based

       GPL source code

       Cross compilers

       Alternative firmware



This is now...

                      Web Interface

        Select programming

        Steer dish

        Examine feed properties

Web Interface
Stream Info

                      dvbsnoop ­ DVB and MPEG stream analyzer

        “WireShark for DVB”

        Access to raw data from DVB card

        Decode known PIDs

                      Avoid programming

        Analyse config files

        Tools to tweak and update

        Use existing Web Interface URLS

        Use remote tools via IP

                      ssh / scp




                      python (yay!) script

        Grab URL

        Read status from returned webpage

        Create 3D model

This is now...

This is now...
3 D model capabilities

                      Point & Click

        Steer to sat/freq

        Decode DVB/Audio within model

        Read Text / EPG

        Pipe datagrams to Wireshark


Equipment List

                      Dreambox 7020

        £250 ($350)


        £50 ­ £200

                      Motor & Mount


                      Total = £550 ($785)


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