Why does the shower curtain gets towards me when I am taking a hot shower? – physics.stackexchange.com 03:37 Posted by Unknown No Comments When I am taking a shower, the shower curtain slowly gets towards my legs. Also, it seems that the hotter the water, the faster it gets to my skin. Why is that? from Hot Questions - Stack Exchange OnStackOverflow via Blogspot Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Unknown Artikel Terkaitfind a file with "find" and show the size of the file – askubuntu.comItalic in section headings with Linux Biolinum – tex.stackexchange.comIs Avogadro's law applicable for atoms? or just for molecules? – physics.stackexchange.comShort story where an alien convinces a human to exchange consciousness with it – scifi.stackexchange.comRushi predicted that the eigth son would kill Kansa, then why did Kans kill seven sons? – hinduism.stackexchange.comLaTeX Theory - How Symbols are Modeled Under the Hood – tex.stackexchange.com
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